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- Housekeeping stuff | THATCamp Lehigh Valley 2013 on Schedule
- Scott Rutzmoser on Join the Crowd: Hands-On Digital Humanities Crowdsourcing [Play]
- Clif Kussmaul on [Talk/Make] The Untapped Power of Digital Readers: Why are we still reading the same way?
- Erica Yozell on Designing a DH Program/Specialization [Talk]
- Jessica Aberle on Juxta Commons
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Wade Linebaugh
- Graduate Student
- Lehigh University
- Twitter: @wadelinebaugh
It's my fourth year at Lehigh: 2 for my M.A. and 2 into my Ph.D. I am reluctant about blogging, enthusiastic about Twitter and very interested in digital archives of otherwise-ephemeral materials.